Curly Girl Method & No Poo Method

A Quick Guide To Curly Girl Method & No-Poo Method

Lately, I’ve heard a lot about this new trend called the Curly Girl Method, and how it shares with the No-Poo Method the encouragement of NOT using shampoo. Today I’ll be sharing with you an easy to follow description of both methods, and I hope this can serve you as guide.

No-Poo Method

First let’s talk about the No-Poo method. No Poo highlights that the commercial shampoo is bad for our hair, and that we should avoid it at all cost. This method is the oldest of the two, and its been around for quite a long time. Although there are no records from when it might have started, the official No-Poo website’s first posts started between 2013 and 2014. This method has been popular for a while and there is a good reason for it. It works! I say this because I myself have tried the No-Poo and worked for me. If you want to read a complete guide to this method, refer to my article Shampoo vs No-Poo Method.

The No-Poo has helped me with my dandruff problems and with the over dryness caused by shampoos and conditioners itself. One of the things that people supporting this method points out, is the fact that before shampoo was invented, there was no use to be washing your hair for more than once a week. Also, people used to wash their hair with more gentle and natural products.

Curly Girl Method (CGM)

Now let’s describe the Curly Girl Method and bring the full guide to it.

Before starting to talk about CGM, I would like to point out that I’ve been using this method without even knowing it existed. I’ve been working in my hair since 2012 and I can say that, with time, my routine turned into this method. Finding the CGM out there thrilled me because is almost the same thing I do, and somebody finally bought it out to light.

How it works

If I start to describe this method, the first thing it encourages us to do is to stop using any shampoo and to start co-washing our hair with conditioner. They are very specific in promoting the use of products that are gentle to our hair. Products that contains NO parabens, phthalates, alcohols, or sulfates on it. The reason for this is that these chemicals can cause over dryness, cancer and among other things that can dramatically damage both our hair and health. After quitting the use of useless shampoo products they mention the use of creams, styling gels, oils, and others. Again, these products have to be free of any chemical that can damage our hair or health.

Now, the last step for us to do with the CGM is to let our hair either, dry naturally (which is the best option), or dry it using a diffuser. Usually, you use the later one when you don’t have the time to let your hair air dry or when it is cold. However, it is essential to understand that nothing will be better than using natural air to dry your beautiful curls.

curly girl and no poo methods
This cheat sheet can be found in the Subscriber’s Exclusive Free Library

As you see in the image above, both methods are simple and straight forward. If you wish to use this image as a quick guide, you can take it for yourself.


To conclude with this quick guide, I would like to reassure you, that the methods you implement into your routine will depend on your hair type. It is necessary to remember that every hair is different. With time, you should be able to create your own routine that fits your hair needs.



Jeanette Almodovar

I am a hairstylist who specializes in Natural Hair & Bridal Styling. My curly hair journey started in 2014, and my skincare started in 2018. I hope you can enjoy what I have to share and write, and hopefully, my small contribution is helpful to someone!

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