do not brush your hair when is dry

Don’t Brush Your Curly Hair When It’s Dry

Curly hair is usually more delicate and different than other hair types. However, we insist on taking care of it as it is straight or wavy hair. And I say this because I used to do this myself. Using the brush while your hair is dry is not the best thing to do.

I use to apply products and hair techniques that worked for other hair types, but where destroying mine. And I understand why it is because most of us came from overly processing our hair to make it look straight or wavy. However, we need to break free from that mentality if we want to achieve healthy curly hair.

*Note: I’m not saying that you should throw away the brushes you already have. These are good to detangle but shouldn’t be used as your first option when detangling.

Why you shouldn’t brush your dry curly hair

At the moment I realized that I should not be brushing my hair when it is dry, I had a shock. I was used to brush my hair often because I felt that at least I was taking care of my hygiene. 

And (to be honest), I did not stop brushing my dry hair until I saw the consequences it had on my hair goals. My hair ends were a disaster and had so much fizz that I looked like I just had an electric shock.

When you brush your curly hair (when it’s dry), you are purposely causing too much damage to it. You are provoking your hair ends to split and break easier. Moreover, you are giving your hair a reason to have frizz. Instead of preventing frizz, you are causing it when you do all that friction with your dry hair.

What is my solution?

My solution to this is simple.

You should brush your hair and detangle it when it is wet.

Curly hair gets tangled with ease, and believe me when I say that is not easy to detangle. Because of this, you need to make your hair as slippery as possible. I recommend you to use a co-wash or detangling cream when detangling your wet hair. With this, you’ll have the job done, and you won’t put your hair goals in the line.

It is also important to remember that you should use a large-tooth comb to help you detangle your hair.

Why a large-tooth comb?

Ideally, you would use your fingers to do this, but if you don’t feel like using your fingers, then a large-tooth comb will do the job.

A large tooth comb will help to reduce friction in the hair (decrease frizz), and it will be gentler with your hair (decrease breakage).

My Hair Tip:

One of the things I do is divide my detangling process into three stages.

  1. Fingers
  2. Wide-Tooth Comb
  3. Brush

I detangle my hair in this exact order to reduce frizz and avoid my ends to break. I’ve been doing this for ages, and it has worked for me.


Although curly hair might look stronger than other hair types, it is NOT. Curly hair is a delicate hair type, and I know that it can be confusing sometimes. Also, remember that this is just one step to understand better your hair type and that you should keep on discovering what helps your hair and what don’t.

Now, I would like to end with this post saying:

“Please, Do Not Brush Your Curly Hair When It’s Dry!”

Related: Why Don’t You Give Your Hair a Break!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Also, if you want to keep in touch with me, and see more great content like this, make sure to subscribe to my Email List and follow me on Instagram.



Jeanette Almodovar

I am a hairstylist who specializes in Natural Hair & Bridal Styling. My curly hair journey started in 2014, and my skincare started in 2018. I hope you can enjoy what I have to share and write, and hopefully, my small contribution is helpful to someone!

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