Styling products & their uses

Styling Products & Their Uses

Would you like to know what your styling product is used for? Today, I will provide you with a comprehensive list of styling products. This list will be updated as I find new product types, so stay posted!


What Is A Styling Product:

For me, to have a product categorized as a styling one, it has to have as its main purpose the ability to bring definition, volume, and/or hold to our hair. Because of this, Leave-ins, Hair Milk, Oils, and Hair Serums, don’t fall into this category.

Why & When Should We Use Them:

Styling products help us to define and add volume to our hair, and to prolong our hairstyles. Some can also protect our hair.

You can apply a styling product with your hair wet, damp, or dry. It doesn’t matter when you apply it, but it will give you different results. Generally:

  • Wet: Adds more definition
  • Damp: Adds volume and some definition
  • Dry: Adds more volume

*Of course, depending on the product, you might see that you will get more or less definition in your hair, despite styling wet, damp, or dry.

By the way, the best way to know if a styling product is going to work for you is by experimenting. Especially when you are faced with two very similar products, such as mousse and foam, experimenting will help you know which one works for you.

Types Of Styling Products & Their Uses:


Although Butters are rich in oils, the focus of these is to bring definition to the hair. These are the heaviest of the styling products, and ideal for coarse and high-density hair types.

– Cream

These will add light/medium hold to the hair. Creams will also add a subtle natural shine to your hair, yet, it will not leave it feeling greasy.

– Custard

Custards are similar to gels when it comes to their uses, but different from gels, the consistency of these is thicker. They also focus on hydration.

Because of this, Custards tend to be too much for fine and low-density hair types.

– Foam

Is the most lightweight of all the styling products. Foams will not cause much buildup, and although is lighter, it will still provide hold, volume, and manageability.

Because these will not cause much buildup, it is wonderful for volume in the roots.

– Gel

Gels will provide you with lots of hold and definition. Depending on which you choose, the hold can vary from low to high, so that’s something to take into consideration.

Also, depending on the hold, some might cause you more buildup than others. You will experience a cast (hard layer) with these.

– Hair Spray

These are wonderful for volume and the dryer it is the hair, the better. Especially if you want to look like an 80s rock star (lame joke).

Hair sprays will cause more buildup than mousse, but they bring incredible hold and will make your hairstyle last through the day, hence is the main reason people prefer them.

– Mousse

Mousse is lighter than gels and sprays, hence will have less hold, but will have more hold than foam. Also, like foam, it will be ideal for fine and low-density hair types.

These will help with volume, and different from foams and sprays, Mousses are not ideal to be used in the root area.

– Pomade

Pomades have a heavy hold and their consistency is very thick. These are often used to treat specific areas (edges and others).

– Pudding

Puddings will add lots of definition and shine. It will also help to elongate curly hair. These are usually made with butter and oils, so they will be heavier for fine and low-density hair types.

– Souffle

Although these are similar to creams, Souffles tend to be more moisturizing than them. They will provide hold, shine, and style. Souffles are wonderful to bring definition to the hair.


Tell me, What styling product has helped you achieve the best results with your hair?

For me, I’m sticking with the basics Gel and Foam. They have worked wonders for me, and I haven’t needed to use any other styling product.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Also, if you want to keep in touch with me, and see more great content like this, make sure to subscribe to my Email List and follow me on Instagram.



Jeanette Almodovar

I am a hairstylist who specializes in Natural Hair & Bridal Styling. My curly hair journey started in 2014, and my skincare started in 2018. I hope you can enjoy what I have to share and write, and hopefully, my small contribution is helpful to someone!

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