everything about oils for hair

Everything About Oils for Your Hair

NO! added oils don’t work for everyone. However, everyone needs oils in their hair. It doesn’t matter if it is added or natural. 

For curlies, these are essential, and the tighter the curl pattern, the most indispensable this substance becomes for the hair.

Curly hair has a difficult time spreading the naturals oils of the scalp throughout the whole strand. For this, oils have to be added, especially to the ends. However, depending on your hair pattern and thickness, some of these might not work for you, as they might weight your hair down.

For this, I’m going to be bringing to you Everything I Know About Oils for Your Hair.

*Warning: If you are following the Curly Girl Method, and only use co-washes and no clarifying your hair. I recommend you to avoid any oil and oil-based products, as co-washes and low poos, aren’t strong enough to remove build-up from oils and will cause hair and scalp damage.


Are oils good for my hair?

Yes! Oils will help you fight dryness, define your hair, style it, and it brings slip. They will also help you to protect your hair from breaking and from environmental threats.


There are two types of oils. Carrier oils and Essential oils.

Lately, essential oils have grown in popularity in both the aromatherapy and beauty industries, and you might be familiar with it. And although you can use them in your hair, you must be careful.

Essential oils tend to be very concentrated, and if they are not diluted with a carrier oil, they could cause more damage to your hair and scalp. So, every time you use essential oils, it is essential for you to dilute it with a carrier oil unless you know by fact that the essential oil that you are using, is safe to be used without being diluted.

To know if you are using an essential or carrier oil, is easy. Essential oils tend to have a stronger fragrance than carrier oils, and some carrier oils can present not fragrance at all.


Oils will have two purposes in the hair.

  1. To moisturize: Penetrating your hair strand.
  2. To seal: Sealing your hair strand.

*Note that when I say good for fine or wavy hair, I’m not saying that thicker and tighter curl patterns can’t benefit from these. However, when I say good for thick or tighter curls, I’m saying that this oil will weigh down finer or wavy hair. Also, the SPF presented here was only tested for sunburn, not for UVA rays, and the reference is below.

Carrier Oils And Their Purpose:

  • Coconut Oil (SPF 7)= Non-greasy and easy to penetrate the hair shaft. Help heal the dry scalp and reduces dandruff. Moisturizing oil. Good for all hair types.
  • Olive Oil (SPF 7)= Used in Pre-pooing, detangling, & hot oil. It is an antioxidant and it is great to maintain hair and scalp’s health. Sealing oil. Good for all hair types.
  • Castor Oil (SPF 5)= Good to regain thickness, sealing oil, better for tighter and ticker coils. (Jamaican Castor Oil is good to grow hair due to improving circulation).
  • Jojoba oil = balances hair oil production. Sealing oil. Reduces frizz and adds shine. Good for fine or wavy hair.
  • Argan oil = Moisturizing oil, easily absorbed, and nourishing. Prevents frizz. Good for fine or wavy hair.
  • Avocado Oil = Light and moisturizing oil that will easily penetrate your hair and scalp, bringing moisture, avoiding dryness, and encourages hair growth. Good for fine or wavy hair.
  • Sweet Almond Oil (SPF 4)= Great to condition the scalp, adds shine to the hair, helps with split ends, and it provides a healthier and stronger hair. Great for all hair types.
  • Shea Butter = Moisturizer oil, anti-inflammatory, prevents breakage and reduces scalp irritation. Better for thicker and tighter hair.

Essential Oils And Their Purpose:

*Essential oils must be mixed with a carrier oil, otherwise, it can cause more damage than help. They can be used in all hair types (fine or thick).

  • Peppermint (SPF 6) = Said to encourage hair growth, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory.
  • Lavender (SPF 5) = Promotes hair growth
  • Tea Tree (SPF 1) = Unclog hair follicles, and treating and protecting the scalp from infections.

How Much Should I Use?

I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but there is no other one.

Everything depends on your hair needs!

Finer and looser curl patterns might need less oil than thicker and tighter curl patterns.

Fine hair tends to weight down easily, and because of this, you need to be careful with the amounts you put in your hair. On the other hand, thicker and tighter curls can get away with an oil overdose. LOL!


I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Also, if you want to keep in touch with me, and see more great content like this, make sure to subscribe to my Email List and follow me on Instagram.



Jeanette Almodovar

I am a hairstylist who specializes in Natural Hair & Bridal Styling. My curly hair journey started in 2014, and my skincare started in 2018. I hope you can enjoy what I have to share and write, and hopefully, my small contribution is helpful to someone!

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